Monday, February 6, 2017

Hair fit for a princess, or at least a tiara

One of the (surprisingly few) downsides of having to plan an entire wedding in just three months is that I don't have the time to let me hair grow out a bit for a proper up-do. However, the internet has assured me that short hair doesn't mean you can't go all out. Who knew?
Hair inspiration: apparently all these do's were done to women with hair about my length. Can't wait to see what my stylist can pull off!
Now this is the kind of hair-do made to sport a tiara, which is precisely what I plan to do. I've found my hair inspiration and booked appointments (complete with a trial run!) for myself, my mom, and our maids of honor at House of Hair, a trendy Kemptown salon right near my flat and just a block away from the café where we'll launch our day with a family breakfast.
House of Hair, where we will make ourselves beautiful on the morning of the Big Day.
Check one more thing off my bridal to-do list. Should I be worried that everything for the wedding feels so under control with just over two months to go?

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