Sunday, January 29, 2017

Dressing to hit the dance floor

If I intend to dance at our wedding— and I do— then as much as I adore The Dress, I'll probably need a back-up, something in which I can actually move. A quick swing past a thrift shop last weekend landed me something white that can hit the dance floor.
£40 for a spare wedding dress? Thank you, Martlett's!
This was my blank canvas. Finally, I got to live my dream of sewing my own wedding dress, or as close as I could come with only three months to plan an entire wedding.
Dissecting my wedding dress: bodice and skirt are separated as I integrate the purple waistband ribbon
I hunkered down with my sewing machine this weekend to open up, widen, lengthen, and shorten various bits and pieces of Dress #2. With the help of a friend who gave me half of her Saturday night, I now have my dancing dress. And boy, is it ever made to twirl.
Dress #2, ready to dance the night away

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